Walking with Our Children: The Parent as Companion and Guide, 2nd Edition
In tone and focus, and perhaps in adopting a certain sense of urgency, this revised and expanded collection acknowledges that the pace of life has accelerated dramatically, that the use of screens and personal digital technology has exploded, that we have endured a pandemic and its aftermaths, and that nations and ideologies are at war. We are now at a new beginning place, where we can make it our goal to face the future with optimism, to manage each moment as it comes, to affirm the goodness of life, and to deeply love and appreciate one another, no matter what comes to surprise us.
—From the author’s preface
Walking With Our Children: The Parent as Companion and Guide collects essays on parenting wisdom by early childhood educator Nancy Blanning, originally published as a series in LILIPOH magazine, offering practical and enjoyable ways to approach parenthood with courage and a sense of freedom.
126 pages, perfect bound. Original hand-drawn illustrations by Sheila Harrington.