Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America

Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour

Regular price $30.00 USD
Sale price $30.00 USD Regular price

Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour brings together the fruits of Susan Perrow’s work in storymaking. It is rich with lively anecdotes drawn from parents and teachers who have discovered how the power of story can help resolve a range of common childhood behaviors and situations such as separation anxiety, bullying, sibling rivalry, nightmares, and grieving. This comprehensive resource offers:

  • A discussion of therapeutic storytelling
  • Checklists for readers to evaluate the challenging behavior or situation and identify their desired resolution
  • Guidelines for adapting stories for different age groups and cultures
  • An extensive collection of new stories and traditional folk tales categorized by behavior or situation
  • A storymaking model to help the reader create stories directly relevant to their own circumstances

“Susan Perrow’s inspirational adventures with storytelling have grown into this inspirational book. May its pages encourage you to speak healing words that help both children and adults to flourish.” –Nancy Mellon, author of Storytelling with Children

300 pages, perfect bound.

Author: Susan Perrow
Publisher: Hawthorn Press
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-903458-78-5

<strong>Susan Perrow</strong> is a story doctor. She writes, collects, and documents stories that offer a therapeutic journey for the storyteller and listener—a positive, imaginative way of healing difficult situations.